We’re so excited you’re here!
Take a look at some of the ways you can become involved at Compassion Place!

Want To Get Involved?

Volunteer to Clean the Centre

Donate New & Gently Used Items

Become a Financial Partner

Help with Centre Maintenance

Volunteer in the Centre or on the Board

Become a Prayer Warrior for Clients, Board & Staff

Donation Sorting & Organizing

Join in on Event Planning & Fundraising

Stay Tuned!
So which one stands out to you? Every job at the centre and for the people we serve is an important one and we’re so grateful you’re considering joining our team!
If you are interested in volunteering for our Board or Centre, please contact us for a Volunteer/Board Package. Everyone interested in these positions should remember we are a faith-based Christian organization. It is important to make sure that you feel this ministry reflects your personal position on faith and support.
Be sure to check out our “Events” page to stay up-to-date on the fun things we have coming up!
For your convenience, donations can be made directly to Canada Helps by clicking the Donate button. You can also make a donation by mail, through e-transfer, becoming a monthly donor with automatic withdrawals, or pop in with a cash donation.
If you have any questions, please call us at 705-527-4272 or email us at help@compassionplace.ca
What Can You Donate to the Care Boutique?
**Due to liability issues, we are no longer accepting strollers, car seats or furniture of any kind.